Prajiturele cu papaya si merisoare
Scroll down for English version
Povestea prajiturelelor de fata a inceput in urma cu o buna bucata de vreme, in timp ce rasfoiam albumul cu pozele delicioase ale lui Nudie Foodie, o impatimita raw food de peste ocean. Am admirat atunci minunatele ei preparate si m-am oprit asupra catorva prajiturele de genul celor de fata, in combinatii apetisante: prajiturele cu capsuni, portocale si cocos; mere si scortisoara; mango si zmeura etc. Puteti admira galeria de poze pe Facebook, pe profilul ei (din pacate nu are blog). Va avertizez insa ca daca veti intra veti saliva intens. Fapt testat de mine. Ok, pana la urma cum am ajuns in posesia minunatei retete de fata? Ei bine Nudie pregateste o carte de bucate in care a strans retetele minunatelor ei deserturi si pentru ca am fost printre primii ei “fani” si poate salivatori-sefi :)) mi-a daruit reteta aceasta, care de altfel va fi prezenta in cartea sa.
Prajiturelele se prepara extrem de simplu, mai grea e partea cu asteptarea caci au nevoie de vreo 20-24 ore de deshidratare. Sunt mai degraba niste biscuiti deliciosi si foarte foarte consistenti, plini de vitamine si ideali la micul dejun alaturi de tahini sau unt de arahide, migdale si felii proaspete de mar – dupa cum chiar autoarea retetei sugereaza.
Prajiturele cu merisoare si papaya (pt aprox. 12 bucati)
- 1 1/2 cana mar curatat si feliat marunt
- 1/3 cana stafide umflate in 1/3 cana apa calda, peste noapte (eu am folosit insa merisoare)
- 1 lg sirop de agave sau miere
- 1 l-ta suc de lamaie
- 1 l-ta lecitina pudra
- 1/2 l-ta extract de vanilie
- scortisoara, pudra de ghimbir, cuisoare – cate un varf de cutit
- un praf de sare
- 1 cana seminte de in aurii macinate (uff, eu nu am mai avut si am folosit seminte de in maronii, motiv pt care prajiturile mele au iesit mai inchise la culoare)
- 1/2 cana pulpa de papaya bine coapta, taiata cubulete
- Scurgeti stafidele/merisoarele de apa si pastrati apa. Mixati merele si apa in blender. Va rezulta un sos grosut.
- Adaugati apoi restul ingredientelor, cu exceptia stafidelor/merisoarelor, semintelor de in si papaya. Mixati pana la omogenizare.
- Intr-un bol adanc varsati compozitia, adaugati semintele de in macinate, stafidele/merisoarele si papaya. Amestecati cu grija cu o lingura de lemn.
- Luati din compozitie cu o lingura si puneti gramajoare pe tavitele aparatului de deshidratat, acoperite cu foaie de copt. Nivelati suprafata fiecarei prajituri. Optional puteti presara nuca de cocos.
- Deshidratati vreme de cateva ore, la 40 grade, pana cand prajiturile se desprind de foaie. Apoi deshidratati in continuare pentru aproximativ 12 ore, intorcandu-le pe ambele parti. Cand sunt gata trebuie sa fie intarite si uror crocante. Puteti de asemenea sa le deshidratati pe calorifer, in caz ca nu detineti un aparat de deshidratat.
English version
You all have to thank Nudie Foodie for giving the opportunity to take a short sneak peak in one of the recipes that will be part of her new cookbook! And I must say that I’m super happy that she chose me for this great chance.
I chose one of her mouth-watering recipes, called “Papaya Raisin Spice Cakes” but I made a few changes in the recipe, as I was out of raisins and golden flaxmeal and I used dried cranberries and brown flaxmeal. Anyway the cakes turned out delicious, with a great flavour and texture, all packed with superfoods and vitamins good for you! I think these are also great as breakfast, topped with tahini or nut butter and apple slices – just as Nudie suggests. So yes: I can honestly say that even these cakes are so simple to make, they taste heavenly! Enjoy the recipe!
Papaya Raisin Spice Cakes
- 1 1/2 C peeled, seeded and chopped apple (Fuji, Braeburn or any other sweet apple)
- 1/3 C raisins, soaked overnight in 1/3 C water
- 1 Tbs agave
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp lechitin powder
- 1/2 tsp alcohol-free vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp allspice
- 1/4 tsp ground ginger
- 1/8 tsp Himalayan salt
- 1 C sprouted and ground golden flax seed
- 1/2 C very ripe, cubed papaya
- Strain raisins, reserving both soak water and raisins. Add chopped Apple along with raisin soak water to Vita Mix or blender. Blend smooth.Scrape down sides.
- Add all remaining ingredients except raisins, ground flax, and papaya.Blend high until smooth.
- Pour batter into a large mixing bowl. Add ground Flax and mix thoroughly using a spatula, removing all lumps. Gently mix in Raisins, followed by Papaya.
- Using a 1/8 measure (such as a coffee scoop or a protein powder scoop), remove 1/8 c. batter at a time and place on teflex sheet on a dehydrator tray. Add any left over batter (less than 1/8 scoop) to other cakes. Pat down each cake approx. 1/2 inch thick and 2-3 inches across, using a butter knife or a spoon.
- Dehydrate 4-8 hours or overnight until ready to flip onto a tray without teflex. Dehydrate again until the underside begins to "crust" a bit and is no longer gooey, approx. 2-6 hours. Slit the underside (i.e. bottom) of each cake gently using a sharp paring or serrated knife. Return cakes to dehydrator.
Dehydrate an additional 3-12 hours until done.- The Cakes are done when they can be squeezed gently (avoiding the fruit) with no gooey or doughy center, only a soft but firm center. Total dehydrating time: approx. 20-24 hrs.
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